


Upskilling, or learning additional skills to keep up with developments in one’s profession, is vital for anyone to stay relevant and advance in their career. While there are organisations that ensure the employee gets the required resources and facilities, such as workshops and seminars, to stay abreast of the industry, there are things one can do on an individual level too.

Here are a few strategies that teachers can follow:

Seek Feedback

This is one of the most important elements of self-improvement. You teach your students, so why not ask them for feedback? You can ask them if they would like you to change anything about the way you teach. Ask them what they enjoy the most in the classroom and what does not engage them. This will give you a better understanding of your students’ expectations and the things that need attention. The bonus is that you will be able to create a healthy relationship with your students who will feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and doubts with you. The result is not only a happy classroom but also a happy teacher.


Experimenting will give you the experience you need to become what you are seeking to be. It is essential for teachers to be open to new ways of teaching and learning in order to grow and help students in the best way possible. Experiment with teaching styles. Get creative and ask your students about their experience of learning the new ways. To be an effective teacher you must not feel shame or hesitation in reaching out to your peers and other educators and learn from them. Be willing to continue to refine your craft and take risks.

Give It Some Time

When you are learning and experimenting in your classroom, don’t give up too soon. Perseverance is necessary. New strategies or the innovative teaching method you just came up with are not going to work in one shot. It’s always a good idea to give it considerable time before switching to another technique. Instead of flitting from idea to idea, give one plan enough time so you can see what is working and what is not.

Join Professional Communities

In the internet age, if you want to learn something, you can just go find it on the Web! There are numerous resources that will help your growth as a teacher. Some online resources that will help you are EduTopia, TeachHub and TeachThought. Following blogs is another good way to stay updated and learn new things. There are many educators who are showcasing their ways of teaching and sharing their experiences on their blogs. Do your research, experiment and you will definitely find your mojo!

All in all, you know yourself and your job and what you need to work on. As a teacher, you already have so much on your plate – sticking to timetables, preparing for lessons, teaching, guiding students, marking examination papers. Do not create a professional development strategy that adds to that stress. Learning and growing as a teacher should make your job easier and effective, not tire you out and make you counter-productive.


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