A personal account of how an educator set up an inclusive classroom
Kathija Yasmin S.
An inclusive classroom is where students with and without learning disabilities meet,...
Sravanthi Challapalli
Gardening metaphors are common among educators and education thinkers in the discussion of teaching and child-related theories and principles. Interestingly, KenRobinson, in Creative Schools, written with Lou...
At DIDAC India, educators focused on how instruction should change and exhibitors tried to pave the way with their products that could aid teaching.
Kalvi Seer borrows a gifting custom that involves the local community to donate much needed equipment for schools.
Mr R Selvakannan, the headmaster of Panchayat Union...
Teachers have a great mission to ignite the minds of the young. Not only does the teacher provide knowledge,but the teacher also shapes the student’s life with...
Are your students yawning, drooping, twiddling their thumbs, looking out the window, doing everything but paying attention in class? Here are some tips on...